Please sign me up!

Recalibrate Your Mind Retreat
El Palmar de Vejer, Spanien

Got a question? Just fill in your name, email and inquiry, or send us a message or voice note on +41792366269.

Ready to sign up? Awesome, you’re making a great choice! Fill out the form as completely as possible and we’ll get back to you in a flash.

Make sure you check the box at the bottom that says „I have read and understood the data privacy statement“, otherwise you won’t be able to submit the registration form. If for some reason you’re not redirected to a separate „confirmation page“ after clicking „submit registration“, just drop us an email at

What happens after you register? We’ll send you an invoice for the retreat fee, along with the terms and conditions, cancellation policy, and COVID-19 regulations. Your spot will only be confirmed once we receive your payment.

Data protection notice

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